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You have access to the desktop version of Microsoft Excel and Excel Online.
You need to perform a bulk update of data for 225 contacts.
What are two ways to achieve the goal? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. Open the data in Excel Online, make updates, and then save changes to Microsoft Dynamics 365.
B. Export data as a dynamic pivot table, make updates, and then save changes to Microsoft Dynamics 365.
C. Export the data as a static worksheet make updates, and then save changes to Microsoft Dynamics 365.
D. Export the data as a static worksheet, make updates, and then import the data back into Microsoft Dynamics 365.
MB2-718 exam Correct Answer: AD
You need to enable the Map view for the schedule board. What should you do first?
A. Enable service territories.
B. Enable the connection to Bing Maps.
C. Enable Custom Geolocation.
D. Select a resource details view.
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following capabilities is only available when using enhanced SLAs?
A. pause an SLA
B. use security roles to control SLA creation
C. track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
D. define failure actions
MB2-718 dumps Correct Answer: A
You assign a case to a user named User A.
User A is not available to work on the case. The customer service manager moves the case to the queue for User B .
Which of the following statements is true?
A. User A still owns the case, but the case is located in the queue for UserB .
B. The customer service manager now owns the case.
C. User B now owns the case.
D. The case is not moved to the queue for User B until User A approves the move.
Correct Answer: A
What is a limitation of the Field Service mobile app?
A. Windows 10 phones do not support the app.
B. You cannot work offline.
C. GPS locations are not available.
D. You cannot create follow-ups.
MB2-718 pdf Correct Answer: C
Which of the following records can you convert into a case?
A. task
B. queue
C. lead
D. opportunity
Correct Answer: A
You are creating a new knowledge base article about a known product defect
After publishing the article, you discover an inaccuracy.
You need to correct the issue while maintaining a traceable history of what was published.
What should you do?
A. Use the update article option.
B. Revert the article to draft status, fix the error, and then republish the article.
C. Delete and recreate the article.
D. Publish a minor revision to the article.
MB2-718 vce Correct Answer: A
Which two security roles are created when you install the Field Service application? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. Field Service Administrator
B. Field Service Dispatcher
C. Field Service Representative
D. Field Service Read Only
Correct Answer: AB
You need to provide quick ad-hoc analysis of data from within the Microsoft Dynamics 365 environment Which Export to Excel option should you use?
A. Excel Online
B. static worksheet
C. dynamic worksheet
D. dynamic pivot table
MB2-718 exam Correct Answer: A
You use the interactive service hub to manage cases.
Users report that they have difficulty finding a specific knowledge base article when they initiate a search from within a case.
You need to ensure that search returns relevant results.
What are two possible ways to achieve the goal? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. Relate the article to one or more categories.
B. Relate the article to a more relevant subject.
C. Update the article description.
D. Add additional keywords.
Correct Answer: AC
You ship a replacement part to a customer.
The customer reports that they receive the incorrect part.
You need to initiate a process to return the product to the warehouse.
What should you do?
A. Create a new return merchandise authorization (RMA) record.
B. Create a new return to vendor (RTV) record.
C. Create a new Agreement record.
D. Create a new Inventory Adjustment record.
MB2-718 dumps Correct Answer: A
Which two statements regarding case routing are true? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. You can add a maximum of five routing rule items to a routing rule set
B. A workflow is automatically created for each routing rule.
C. A maximum of three routing rule sets can be active at the same time.
D. You can route or assign a case to a user, queue, or team.
Correct Answer: BD
Which two of the following are valid routing rule actions? Each correct answer presents part of the solution.
A. Cancel Case
B. Send Email
C. Assign to User/Team
D. Route to Queue
MB2-718 pdf Correct Answer: CD
You have a Microsoft Dynamics 365 environment You implement Field Service.
You need to set up a service task type.
Which three fields, components, or relationships are available when you create a new service task type? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. Description
B. Notes
C. Field Agent
D. Estimated Duration
E. Work Order Duration
Correct Answer: ABC
You need to change the warehouse location for product inventory. What should you do?
A. Create a new Product Relationship record.
B. Create a new Warehouse record.
C. Create a new Inventory Transfer record.
D. Create a new Inventory Adjustment record.
MB2-718 vce Correct Answer: C
You implement the Unified Service Desk (USD). You plan to implement actions and replacement parameters. Which three symbols are valid replacement keys? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. ^
B. –
C. +
D. $
E. ~
Correct Answer: ACD
You enable feedback for a Voice of the Customer survey. What is the total number of questions allowed for the survey?
A. 30
B. 40
C. 100
D. 250
MB2-718 exam Correct Answer: B
You use the automatic creation and update rule feature to create case records automatically.
Which three source record types are available for automatically creating a case? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. social activity
B. mailbox alert
C. survey activity
D. auto post
E. booking alert
Correct Answer: ACE
You create a queue and assign it to a team. Which type of queue is created?
A. Personal
B. System
C. Escalation
D. Shared
MB2-718 dumps Correct Answer: D
You create a service-level agreement (SLA). For which two of the following key performance indicators (KPIs) can you create actions? Each correct answer
presents a complete solution.
A. Escalate By
B. Resolve By
C. First Response By
D. Close By
Correct Answer: BC
Under which two circumstances will a routing rule be applied to a case without user intervention? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. a case is created as the result of a record creation rule
B. a case was created before the routing rule was activated
C. a case is created by using a convert to case action
D. a case is created manually
MB2-718 pdf Correct Answer: AD
You manage a Microsoft Dynamics 365 deployment for Contoso, Ltd.
You need to provide users the URL to their Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online interactive service hub.
What is the URL format for the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online interactive service hub?
A. hnps://www.microsoht.com/en-US/crynamics/crm-custo-customer-center/interactive- service-hub-user-s-guide.aspx#bkmk_Access
B. https://contoso.crm.dynamics.com/XRMServices/2011/Discovery.svc
C. https://contoso.crm.dynamics,com/engagementhub.aspx
D. https://contoso.crm.dynamics.com/main.aspx
Correct Answer: C
You have a Microsoft Dynamics 365 environment. You implement Field Service and create a Field Service Agreement for a specific account
Where should you define the preferred resource?
A. Schedule Board Setting
B. Booking Setup
C. Field Service Settings
D. Scheduler Field Service slot text template
MB2-718 vce Correct Answer: A
You implement the Unified Service Desk (USD). Which three of the following objects are events? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. Realignwindow
B. BrowserDocumentComplete
C. DesktopReady
D. SessionClosing
E. FireEvent
Correct Answer: CDE
What are two examples of entitlement allotment options? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. Number of Channels
B. Number of Products
C. Number of Cases
D. Number of Hours
MB2-718 exam Correct Answer: CD
Which three statements regarding Voice of The Customer are true. Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. The survey definition is stored in Microsoft Azure. The survey response is temporarily stored in Azure Service Bus then later retrieved and stored in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Survey responses are deleted from Azure Service Bus after they are stored in Microsoft Dynamics 365.
B. Collateral, such as themes and images, can be stored as web resources and included in solutions.
C. Surveys can be included in solutions.
D. Each new environment requires the creation of configuration records.
E. Each survey contains three forms.
Correct Answer: BDE
You are a customer service agent in a call center. AH customer service agents use Unified Service Desk (USD) to respond to calls.
You need to respond to two calls from two different customers at the same time. What should you do?
A. Create one session for each customer.
B. Create two sessions and use connections to create a relationship between them.
C. Create one session and add each customer to a separate section on the form.
D. Create one session and add each customer to the related customer sub grid.
MB2-718 dumps Correct Answer: D
You release an item from a queue.
What is the outcome?
A. The current routing rule is applied.
B. The value from the Worked By field is removed.
C. The record is returned to the originating queue.
D. The record is removed from the current queue and placed in the user’s personal queue.
Correct Answer: D
Exam Code: MB2-718
Exam Name: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Service
Q&As: 90
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